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elephant trunks
Return To Nature
Londolozi Impact
February 17, 2022

‘There is no such thing as human nature. There is just nature’ ~ Dr. Ian McCallum I write to you from under a tree. There is a gentle breeze blowing. It’s a warm breeze which, now that we’re in the early stages of winter, is quite a nice thing. The tree sheltering me is a […]

Achieving The Impossible This November
Londolozi Impact
November 18, 2021

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible” ~ St Francis of Assis This is one of my favourite quotes, and has become especially meaningful to me and my team over the past 18 months. Collectively we’ve faced something that we never thought would or could happen […]

Good Work Foundation
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Reflections From A Nonprofit CEO As The World Is Turned Upside Down
Londolozi Impact
November 14, 2021

Kate Groch is the Founder and CEO of Londolozi’s award-winning nonprofit partner organisation, Good Work Foundation. Originally a teacher, for over 20 years Kate has been at the forefront of changing education, creating a best-practice model for better access to education in rural Africa. Her TED talk, from Chance to Choice, as well as her […]

Good Work Foundation
sarasota connection
The Londolozi – GWF – Sarasota Connection
Londolozi Impact
October 21, 2021

When my wife, Michele, and I returned from our fourth visit to Londolozi this summer, we were, as always, filled with memories of our incredible experiences. This year’s visit was even more special as we had the opportunity with friends to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Good Work Foundation’s 5th digital learning centre at […]

Good Work Foundation