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giving tuesday
Together Let’s Make This A Giving November To Remember
Londolozi Impact
November 6, 2023

Every ripple begins with a single drop. To make a fast Donation this Giving November 2023 and contribute click here. What is Giving Tuesday?  Giving Tuesday is a global day of charitable giving, that takes place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving in the United States – which falls on the fourth Thursday of November. Originally, […]

Conservation Featured Good Work Foundation Londolozi Ripple Fund Quality Education Rhino Guardians Ripple Fund Tracker Academy
Giving Tuesday 2021
Londolozi Impact
March 17, 2022

I love psychology. It’s one of my greatest passions. The human psyche fascinates me and I love to challenge my own thinking and beliefs by learning as much as I can about it. Recently, I have been doing a lot of learning about how experiences in childhood shape the way we grow up – and […]

Good Work Foundation
Achieving The Impossible This November
Londolozi Impact
November 18, 2021

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible” ~ St Francis of Assis This is one of my favourite quotes, and has become especially meaningful to me and my team over the past 18 months. Collectively we’ve faced something that we never thought would or could happen […]

Good Work Foundation