All stories

The Legacy Of Leopard Tracking At Londolozi
Londolozi Impact
September 6, 2024

The ancient art of tracking lies at the heart of our safari experience at Londolozi, transforming each wilderness adventure into a deeper connection with the wild. Tracking is not merely a skill but an integral part of the Londolozi story, offering guests an unparalleled glimpse into the lives of elusive predat0rs like leopards. This tradition, […]

Conservation History Londolozi Ripple Fund Rhino Guardians Tracker Academy Tracking Wildlife
Nature’s Lessons for a Better Earth
Londolozi Impact
February 18, 2022

According to the Biomimicry Institute, biomimicry can be described as “the scientific, research-based practice of learning from and then replicating nature’s forms, processes, and ecosystems to create more regenerative designs.” It is a field of study that I find fascinating and one which holds much potential; it can change life as we know it and […]

Sustainability Wilderness teachings Wildlife
Ladies choir
Londolozi’s Futuristic African Village
Londolozi Impact
January 17, 2022

I Received the offer to work in the paradise of Londolozi, and grabbing this opportunity is a ‘no-brainer’. However, there was a lot running through my head that demanded attention. Before making the move from the corporate world to the secluded bubble of Londolozi, there were certainly doubts and questions I had. My career path […]

2020 Vision Featured Futuristic African Village