The Future Is Here

14th December 2021

2020 Vision, Electric Landrover,

Climate change, destruction of eco-systems, carbon emissions and natural disasters are increasingly more common.  How many of us set the intention to take responsibility for these issues?  We should act on Gandhi’s advice by being the change we want to see in the world.

Eco tourism is the most fitting place for a sustainable approach to be taken.  Yet still we all drive game viewers that emit fumes, utilize electricity powered with fossil fuels and use products that are nonessential.

Electric landrover
Zero Emissions Safari Vehicle

Developing a sustainable lifestyle does not come about overnight though. It is a gradual shift in thinking and requires all parties concerned to understand the higher ideal.  It it and culture.

Our current driver in this movement is the Zero Emissions Safari vehicle. The first of its kind, this electric powered Land Rover is now well into phase two of the project.  Using a recycled Londolozi Land Rover’s body, the vehicle runs smoothly, silently and with no emissions, other than that of the electricity used to charge it.  Costing six cents as opposed to six rand per liter is a further key element in this project’s contribution towards sustainability.

Harnessing the power of natural energy is our next goal.  If you can imagine solar panels charging long lasting lithium ion batteries, providing sustainable and free energy then you can imagine the future of this project.

Solar farm drone

This process not only sensitizes us to the needs of our environment but also to the needs of our guests.  With the wealth of affordable digital photographic equipment available and the appeal of wildlife photography, our specialized photographic safari vehicle is popular.  This modified Land Rover is designed to give photographers a unique opportunity to take great pictures.  Swiveling seats, Wimberley heads, video and SLR cameras, night vision goggles and a rifle microphone are there to enhance the safari experience.

Although there are many issues we can’t change, we are taking the journey of working towards the things that we can both for our treasured environment and for our guests.  We would love to hear what you think of the vehicles as well as any ideas that you think could make your safari even better.

Join our global tribe: 

As a Londolozi Ripple Fund supporter you join a global tribe of people who hold the belief that the restoration of the planet can only come out of a profound shift in human consciousness. 

We have established a Londolozi Ripple Fund Impact site where you can follow regular updates of projects and donations as they unfold. 

For more information or if you would like to make a donation and start your own ripple effect, please reach out to us on

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Sustainability | 9th July 2023

The Londolozi Effect: Sustainability

2020 Vision | 22nd June 2023
Clean Energy | 22nd June 2023
Conservation | 22nd June 2023
Good Work Foundation | 22nd June 2023
Londolozi Ripple Fund | 22nd June 2023
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Ripple Fund | 22nd June 2023
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Wilderness teachings | 22nd June 2023

The Londolozi Ripple Fund: An Update

2020 Vision | 6th June 2023
Camps | 6th June 2023
Clean Energy | 6th June 2023
Conservation | 6th June 2023
Electric Landrover | 6th June 2023
Featured | 6th June 2023
Good Work Foundation | 6th June 2023
History | 6th June 2023
Londolozi Ripple Fund | 6th June 2023
Quality Education | 6th June 2023
Restoration | 6th June 2023
Rhino Guardians | 6th June 2023
Ripple Fund | 6th June 2023
Sustainability | 6th June 2023
Tracker Academy | 6th June 2023
Waste Management | 6th June 2023
Wellness | 6th June 2023
Wilderness teachings | 6th June 2023
Wildlife | 6th June 2023

2023 Travel Trends: Deconstructed

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