The 5 Rs and the importance of Recycling

19th April 2022

2020 Vision,

Global Recycling Day couldn’t have come at a better time with the launch of our new Impact Site.

Another opportunity to share our learnings and recommendations to save our precious planet and spread a new consciousness. Living out in the bush and relying on the wildlife and wilderness as revenue for the Londolozi Family. We are highly in tune with the fragility of our natural world. We’ve also come to realise that being ‘green’ releases endorphins; there’s something satisfying in knowing you have refused, reused, rotted, reduced or recycled your waste. We welcome our extended Family to the 5 Rs , can you find a way to integrate them into your lives?

Jess Maclarty 2020 village walk

We’ve also worked out that recycling should be the last resort and should almost be irrelevant due to the refusal of packaging, the reduction of waste and the reusing of what remains. In other words, waste management is about being more conscious of how we receive, use and dispose of goods. The 5Rs are about a change in culture and increasing our awareness of the waste we create, but also how easy it is to innovate and produce far less waste with the aim of becoming waste free.

The 5 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, Rot and Recycle

5 Rs at Londolozi


  • Only glass reusable bottles are available for water
  • We have a no plastic straw policy
  • We are asking suppliers to unwrap produce before it comes onto the Londolozi property
Glass water bottle


  • Eco-Bricking: the growing phenomenon in which pieces of non-recyclable plastic are pushed into a 2-litre plastic bottle and, when full, can be used to build with.
  • The staff canteen is supplemented daily with kitchen leftovers
  • Eco-chemicals are delivered in bulk and containers are reused
Eco brick


  • Bees wax and material covers replace cling film in the kitchens and staff canteen


  • Battery boxes are available for all staff to recycle batteries
  • Plastic, glass, paper, food and tin recycling bins are found around the village
  • All of our boma tables are made of recycled plastic chips


  • All discarded office paper is shredded and used for staff worm farms
Village gardens

Although we have made some good progress, we still have a long way to go and that’s why you will see all our trials and learnings in our Impact Report. We realise the value in sharing with you our mistakes so we can help fast-track the awakening and care of our planet.
We’d love to hear how you are using the concept of the 5 Rs in your own homes in the comments section below…

Join our global tribe: 

As a Londolozi Ripple Fund supporter you join a global tribe of people who hold the belief that the restoration of the planet can only come out of a profound shift in human consciousness. 

We have established a Londolozi Ripple Fund Impact site where you can follow regular updates of projects and donations as they unfold. 

For more information or if you would like to make a donation and start your own ripple effect, please reach out to us on

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The Londolozi Ripple Fund Entrepreneurs

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