All stories

2020 Village walk group
Have You Heard About Londolozi’s Village Walk?
Londolozi Impact
May 19, 2022

Coming into Londolozi as a newly employed Camp Manager from Cape Town, I had absolutely no idea how immense the sense of community would be at Londolozi. At first I was completely overwhelmed with the beauty of the bush itself but then after a few days I was even more blown away by all the […]

2020 Vision Restoration Sustainability
Women's day
Breaking The Bias
Londolozi Impact
April 20, 2022

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias. This International Woman’s Day we have been asked to explore the theme ‘breaking the bias’ around […]

History Wilderness teachings
Eco Bricking_March 2019_A Ritchie-7029
The 5 Rs and the importance of Recycling
Londolozi Impact
April 19, 2022

Global Recycling Day couldn’t have come at a better time with the launch of our new Impact Site. Another opportunity to share our learnings and recommendations to save our precious planet and spread a new consciousness. Living out in the bush and relying on the wildlife and wilderness as revenue for the Londolozi Family. We […]

2020 Vision
Village from above
A New Way of Life – Londolozi’s Pioneer Effort
Londolozi Impact
March 25, 2022

Pioneer of sustainable safari Is a safari sustainable? Years ago while at university I heard the phrase in one of my lectures “think locally, act globally “. More recently I’ve heard it switched around, “think globally, act locally”. Or was it the other way round? I clearly wasn’t a great student. In any case, this […]

2020 Vision Restoration Sustainability
GWF’s Classroom of the World – Your Learning Leads To Education For All
Londolozi Impact
March 18, 2022

A New Online South African Classroom That Connects & Inspires If there’s one thing the world taught us in the past year, it’s that we are all connected. We need to find ways to turn that connection into a positive sharing space – to see it as an opportunity to learn from each other. I […]

Good Work Foundation
Giving Tuesday 2021
Londolozi Impact
March 17, 2022

I love psychology. It’s one of my greatest passions. The human psyche fascinates me and I love to challenge my own thinking and beliefs by learning as much as I can about it. Recently, I have been doing a lot of learning about how experiences in childhood shape the way we grow up – and […]

Good Work Foundation
Nature’s Lessons for a Better Earth
Londolozi Impact
February 18, 2022

According to the Biomimicry Institute, biomimicry can be described as “the scientific, research-based practice of learning from and then replicating nature’s forms, processes, and ecosystems to create more regenerative designs.” It is a field of study that I find fascinating and one which holds much potential; it can change life as we know it and […]

Sustainability Wilderness teachings Wildlife
elephant trunks
Return To Nature
Londolozi Impact
February 17, 2022

‘There is no such thing as human nature. There is just nature’ ~ Dr. Ian McCallum I write to you from under a tree. There is a gentle breeze blowing. It’s a warm breeze which, now that we’re in the early stages of winter, is quite a nice thing. The tree sheltering me is a […]

Ladies choir
Londolozi’s Futuristic African Village
Londolozi Impact
January 17, 2022

I Received the offer to work in the paradise of Londolozi, and grabbing this opportunity is a ‘no-brainer’. However, there was a lot running through my head that demanded attention. Before making the move from the corporate world to the secluded bubble of Londolozi, there were certainly doubts and questions I had. My career path […]

2020 Vision Featured Futuristic African Village
joinery drinks stop
Londolozi x The Joinery – Why Sustainable Business Matters
Londolozi Impact
January 15, 2022

“Plastic Free July is a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation that allows us to work towards our vision of seeing a world free of plastic waste. From humble beginnings in 2011, the award-winning Plastic Free July campaign is the result of years of hard work” ~ Plastic Free July Foundation  As with many […]

Electric Landrover 2020 _A Ritchie-4304
The Future Is Here
Londolozi Impact
December 14, 2021

Climate change, destruction of eco-systems, carbon emissions and natural disasters are increasingly more common.  How many of us set the intention to take responsibility for these issues?  We should act on Gandhi’s advice by being the change we want to see in the world. Eco tourism is the most fitting place for a sustainable approach […]

2020 Vision Electric Landrover
The Psychology of Safari at Londolozi
Londolozi Impact
November 21, 2021

Never underestimate what lengthy periods of relaxation in nature can do for your health  I’ll never forget something my dad said to me two years ago while we floated down a canal on a barge in the French countryside. After a few moments of quiet as we looked over the beautiful landscape, he turned and […]

Restoration Wellness Yoga